Born on Third Base
“Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.” – Barry Switzer
Continue reading →“Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.” – Barry Switzer
Continue reading →“Every day we should do a little more than is required.” – Helen Keller
Continue reading →“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.” – Helen Keller
Continue reading →“All attack is a call for help. When you know this, you begin at once to look deeply into the question of what kind of help is being called for.” – Neale Donald Walsch
Continue reading →“It isn’t more light we need, it’s putting into practice what light we already have. When we do that, wonderful things will happen within our lives and within our world.” – Peace Pilgrim
Continue reading →“Life can best be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards.”
Continue reading →“Change is the key that unlocks the door to growth and excitement in any organization. The leader’s ability to inspire a ‘culture of change’ can make or break their success. Tomorrow comes at us with lightning speed and our competitive … Continue reading →
“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” – Babe Ruth
Continue reading →“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Continue reading →“If Christians do not come apart from the world and rest awhile, they may just plain come apart.”
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