Before You Expire
“Aspire and perspire to inspire before you expire.” – Greg Taunt
Continue reading →“Aspire and perspire to inspire before you expire.” – Greg Taunt
Continue reading →“We are not made rich by what is in our pockets, but by what is in our hearts.”
Continue reading →“Some of us don’t know what we want, but we feel sure that we don’t have it.”
Continue reading →“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” – Zeno
Continue reading →“Anything too stupid to be said is sung” – Voltaire
Continue reading →“I imagine that one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, that once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” – James Baldwin
Continue reading →“Don’t argue with an idiot. People watching may not be able to tell the difference.”
Continue reading →“Worry is a futile thing; it’s somewhat like a rocking chair. Although it keeps you occupied, it doesn’t get you anywhere.”
Continue reading →“If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?” – Stephen Levine
Continue reading →“A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” – Charles Spurgeon
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