People of Accomplishment
“It has long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” – Elinor Smith
Continue reading →“It has long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” – Elinor Smith
Continue reading →“Speaking is silver, but listening is gold.” – a Fortune Cookie
Continue reading →“Life is so hard, how can we be anything but kind?” – Sylvia Boorstein
Continue reading →“I have found that the greatest help in meeting any problem with decency and self-respect and whatever courage is demanded, is to know where you yourself stand. That is, to have in words what you believe and are acting from.” … Continue reading →
“Attitudes are highly contagious within a team structure. Because they can serve as self-fulfilling prophecies, they have the power to destroy a team or accelerate it to great heights. That’s why there’s no place for a bad attitude. Each team … Continue reading →
“Everyone needs to know that someone cares about them.” – Greg Taunt
Continue reading →“A bird is safe in its nest — but that is not what its wings are made for.” – Amit Ray
Continue reading →“Wherever you have contact with others, whether it is with co-workers online, a stranger in a passing car, a neighbor at their mailbox, or your spouse in the hallway… a simple smile goes a long way in spreading some sunshine. … Continue reading →
“Let us keep courage and try to be patient and gentle.” – Vincent Van Gogh
Continue reading →“All of a sudden, my haters become elevators because God’s got a plan, if I’ll just submit to it. And on the other side of this, the thing that I despise will be the thing I look back on and … Continue reading →