A Path With No Obstacles
“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” – Frank A. Clark
Continue reading →“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” – Frank A. Clark
Continue reading →“Leadership may be complex, but it doesn’t have to be complicated, we can always simplify.” – Lolly Daskal
Continue reading →“Leaders who win the respect of others are the ones who deliver more than they promise – not the ones who promise more than they can deliver.” – Mark A. Clement
Continue reading →“If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for.” – Terry Lynn Taylor
Continue reading →“The universe is composed of subjects to be communed with, not primarily of objects to be used.” – Thomas Berry
Continue reading →“Uncommon Sense says that a productive failure is better than a non productive success. A productive failure is a failure that, upon analysis, teaches us something that can lead to future success. Non-productive success is success that we achieve but … Continue reading →
“Anyone can be happy when they get what they want; the challenge is to stay grateful and peaceful even when the world around you feels crazy and dangerous and horrible.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
Continue reading →“I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Continue reading →“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar
Continue reading →“Moments of quiet are critical. After focusing intently on a project or problem, the brain needs to fully disengage and relax to be creative. Only after a break can you have a breakthrough.” – Whitney Johnson
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