Where Concentration Comes From
“Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.” – Arnold Palmer
Continue reading →“Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.” – Arnold Palmer
Continue reading →“Life isn’t so much a pre-planned tour as an unfolding adventure!” – Sister Renée C. Dewhurst
Continue reading →“Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.” – G. M. Trevelyan
Continue reading →“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” – Saint Augustine
Continue reading →“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” – Aristotle
Continue reading →“Only the guilty are guilty. Their sons are not.” – Elie Wiesel
Continue reading →“They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to petty worries, fears, troubles, and self-pitying, all of which are indications of weakness, which lead just as surely as deliberately planned sins (though by a different … Continue reading →
“70% of the earth is water, and virtually none of the water is carbonated. So the earth is, in fact, flat.”
Continue reading →“Motivation is something nobody else can give you. Others can help motivate you, but basically, it must come from you, and it must be a constant desire to do your very best at all times and under any circumstances.” – … Continue reading →
“Happiness doesn’t have just one address.”
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