Treasure Each Encounter
“Each encounter is unprecedented; each encounter is unrepeatable. Treasure each encounter.” – Eido Tai Shimano Roshi
Continue reading →“Each encounter is unprecedented; each encounter is unrepeatable. Treasure each encounter.” – Eido Tai Shimano Roshi
Continue reading →“The time to act is now. You can’t start tomorrow and you can’t start ‘someday.’ ‘Someday’ is usually a euphemism for ‘never.’ Milestones are achieved one step at a time. So decide what the first step will be and take … Continue reading →
“Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.” – Parkes Robinson
Continue reading →The more confidential the memo, the more likely it will be left in the copy machine. The new improved model always appears on the market just after you’ve bought the old model. The person who suggests spitting the bill evenly … Continue reading →
“You to can fly. But that cocoon must go!”
Continue reading →“Drawing on my fine command of the language, I said nothing.” – Robert Benchley
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