The Meditation Vacation
“Research suggests that meditating for 15 minutes daily may have a similar effect on your well-being as taking a whole day of vacation!” – Journal of Positive Psychology
Continue reading →“Research suggests that meditating for 15 minutes daily may have a similar effect on your well-being as taking a whole day of vacation!” – Journal of Positive Psychology
Continue reading →“Some people cannot be cured, but everyone can heal.”
Continue reading →“Make improvements, not excuses. Seek respect, not attention.” – Roy T. Bennett
Continue reading →“Success doesn’t change you. Fame does.” – Whitney Houston
Continue reading →“The creative process is not controlled by a switch you can simply turn on or off—it’s with you all the time.” – Alvin Ailey
Continue reading →“The whole lesson of my life has been that no ‘methods of stimulation’ are of any lasting use. They are indeed like drugs—a stronger dose is needed each time and soon no possible dose is effective. We must not bother … Continue reading →
“Accept life’s lessons gracefully. The difference between humility and humiliation is largely a matter of attitude.”
Continue reading →“Be not glad at the misfortune of another, though they may be your enemy.” – George Washington
Continue reading →“I know I’ve been lucky. But it’s what you do with that luck afterwards that really defines whether you stick around.” – Zac Efron
Continue reading →“We can make changes in our lives; we can live consciously rather than mechanically; we can open our hearts and we can be more fully alive.” – Sharon Salzberg
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