Always Doing
“Determine never to be idle. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.” – Thomas Jefferson
Continue reading →“Determine never to be idle. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.” – Thomas Jefferson
Continue reading →“One’s work may be finished someday, but one’s education, never.” – Alexandre Dumas
Continue reading →The teacher was giving her class of seven-year-olds a natural-history lesson. “Worker ants,” she told them, “can carry pieces of food five times their own weight. What do you conclude from that?” One child was ready with the answer: “They … Continue reading →
“When people ask what equipment I use, I tell them, ‘my eyes.’” – Ansel Adams
Continue reading →This person: Was born in 1809. Failed in business in 1831. Lost election for state legislature in 1832. Failed again in business in 1834. Suffered through his sweetheart dying in 1835. Had a Nervous breakdown in 1836. Lost second political … Continue reading →
“Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle.” – Phillips Brooks
Continue reading →“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” – Muhammad Ali
Continue reading →Since our Information Technology expenditures have risen dramatically, the corporate office has defined a low-cost alternative to computers. The goal is to remove all computers by next year. Instead everyone will be provided with an Etch-A-Sketch. There are many sound … Continue reading →
“It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.” – Patrick Lencioni
Continue reading →“Work hard in Silence. Let your success be the noise.”
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