Don’t Carry a Grudge
“Don’t carry a grudge. While you’re carrying the grudge, the other guy’s out dancing.” – Buddy Hackett
Continue reading →“Don’t carry a grudge. While you’re carrying the grudge, the other guy’s out dancing.” – Buddy Hackett
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Continue reading →“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou
Continue reading →“Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It’s ordinary to love the beautiful, but it’s beautiful to love the ordinary.”
Continue reading →“Gratitude is the capacity to stare doubt, loss, chaos and despair right in the eye and say, ‘I am still here.’” – Diana Butler Bass
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Continue reading →“Today is only a small manageable segment of time in which our difficulties need not overwhelm us.”
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