The God Who Has Followed Us
“Here is the reality: we go our own way, and we get lost in darkness. We think we have a long trudge back to His throne. But out of the corner of our eye, we see the God who has … Continue reading →
“Here is the reality: we go our own way, and we get lost in darkness. We think we have a long trudge back to His throne. But out of the corner of our eye, we see the God who has … Continue reading →
“Prayer does not change the purpose of God. But prayer does change the action of God.” – Chuck Smith
Continue reading →Several years ago a mother gave her son two quarters. One was for his Sunday School offering. The other was for an ice cream cone on the way home from Sunday School. One Sunday, Billy was flipping a quarter in … Continue reading →
“Don’t settle for a normal life. Not when you can enjoy the wonderful weirdness of being who God created you to be.” – Craig Groeschel
Continue reading →“Expect temptation to your last breath.” – Anthony the Great
Continue reading →“Father to son, after family prayers: ‘Son, don’t give God orders. Just report for duty.’”
Continue reading →“We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Continue reading →“Should every promise be wiped out of the Bible, we would still have God left, and God would be enough.”
Continue reading →“We cannot know what prayer is for until we know that life is war.” – John Piper
Continue reading →God, I dedicate my life today to the care of those who come my way. Give to my heart, compassion and understanding. Give to my hands skill and tenderness. Give to my ears the ability to listen. Give to my lips words … Continue reading →