“The belief that I control my own self-esteem permits me to listen to and hear feedback in a non-defensive way – looking to see if there’s something I can learn. Norman Vincent Peale, the great minister of positive thinking, taught me that we have two choices every day: we can feel good about ourselves, or we can feel lousy about ourselves. Why would anyone choose the latter?” – Ken Blanchard
Imagine the Possibilities
“A person struggles. You help. A door needs to be open. You open it. A piece of trash is in your path. You pick it up and throw it away. A child needs an extra attention. You give it. A job needs to be completed. You do it. One more act of kindness a week will add fifty-two moments of inspiration to your year. Push it to two a week and you add more than one hundred. Imagine the possibilities.” – Mac Anderson, Sam Parker
Failing and Failure
“There’s a difference between ‘failing’ and ‘failure.’ Failing is a natural possibility anytime someone does something, does anything. It doesn’t matter how great or how small the thing is – there’s always a chance we can fail. When we fail, and we will, a choice must be made. How a person responds to failing determines what happens next. If a person learns and grows, continuing forward on their journey, failing has been a temporary pit stop along the road to success. If a person refuses to learn and grow, giving up and stopping their journey, they take up permanent residence along the road to success, but never arrive. That is failure.” – Greg Taunt
Losing and Being a Loser
“Losing and being a loser are two very different things. Everyone goes through the pain of losing at one time or another. We must remember that losing can be a powerful teacher, not an enjoyable teacher, but a powerful one. So, we choose to get up and keep going, hopefully a little smarter and a bit wiser. There’s no shame in that. As a matter of fact, that’s how we move towards success. We only become a loser when choose not to get up, not to learn, not to keep going. When we give up and quit, we’ve chosen to be a loser.” – Greg Taunt