“If you are like many people, you often feel like your life is lacking purpose. While it may not feel like it, every move we make and every action we take, matters not just for us, but for all of us… and for all time. When one lives a life of permanent purpose, sales figures soar, team chemistry thrives and teenage decisions become wiser and more cautious. And these are just a few examples of what will happen… Simply put, when we understand that every action maters, every result of our actions immediately improves!” – Andy Andrews
Bytes of Wisdom
Lessons learned during the Computer Age:
- Everyone works better with a clear memory.
- Always have a backup.
- Everyone needs to hit escape once in a while.
- When the world looks blurry, adjust your monitor.
- If you’re feeling lost, head for home.
- When everything crashes, don’t be afraid to restart.
- Save as you go.
- Many mistakes can be fixed if we just backspace.
- Give yourself a little upgrade every so often.