“Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it.” – Irving Berlin
Stop Underachieving and Elevate
“We all have infinitely more capacity than we believe. We also need to be champions of building capacity in others, including our children, friends, family, co-workers, and employees. No one should be living up to less than their full potential. Start by having high expectations for yourself. As you build your capacity, you will naturally inspire the same behavior in others, multiplying your impact. Remember, great leaders don’t create followers. They create more leaders. Stop underachieving. Hold yourself and others accountable, and commit to living your life to your full potential. It’s time to elevate!” – Robert Glazer
God Can Use You
The next time you feel like God can’t use you, remember the following people:
- NOAH was a drunk.
- ABRAHAM was too old.
- ISAAC was a daydreamer.
- JACOB was a liar.
- LEAH was ugly.
- JOSEPH was abused.
- MOSES couldn’t talk.
- GIDEON was afraid.
- SAMPSON had long hair & was a womanizer.
- RAHAB was a prostitute.
- JEREMIAH and TIMOTHY were too young.
- DAVID had an affair & was a murderer.
- ELIJAH was suicidal.
- ISAIAH preached naked.
- JONAH ran from God.
- NAOMI was a widow.
- JOB went bankrupt.
- JOHN the Baptist ate bugs.
- PETER denied Christ.
- The Disciples fell asleep while praying.
- MARTHA worried about everything.
- MARY MAGDALENE was demon possessed.
- The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorced… more than once!!
- ZACCHEUS was too small.
- PAUL was too religious.
- TIMOTHY had an ulcer.
Yep, God can use me and you.