“In an age where there is much talk about “being yourself,” I reserve to myself the right to forget about being myself, since in any case there is very little chance of my being anybody else.” – Thomas Merton
Worldviews from the Pit
A man fell into a pit and couldn’t get himself out:
- A subjective person came along and said, “I feel for you down there.”
- An objective person came along and said, “Well it’s logical that someone would fall down there.”
- A Christian scientist came along and said, “You only think you’re in that pit.”
- A pharisee said, “Only bad people fall into pits.”
- A mathematician calculated how he fell into the pit.
- A news reporter wanted an exclusive story on his pit.
- A Calvinist said, “If you had been saved, you never would have fallen into that pit.”
- An Armenian said, “You were saved and you still fell in that pit.”
- A charismatic said, “Just confess that you’re not in that pit.”
- A realist came along and said, “Now that’s a pit!”
- A geologist told him to appreciate the rock strata in his pit.
- An IRS agent asked if he was paying taxes on his pit.
- The county inspector asked if he had a permit to dig the pit.
- An evasive person came along and avoided the subject all together.
- A self-pitying person said, “You haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen my pit.”
- An optimist said “Things could be worse.”
- A pessimist, said, “Things will get worse.”
- Jesus saw the man, reached down, took him by the hand and lifted him out of the pit.
Tell Me Something Positive
A husband and wife are getting ready for bed. The wife is standing in front of a full-length mirror taking a hard look at herself.
“You know, dear,” she says, “I look in the mirror, and I see an old woman. My face is all wrinkled, my hair is grey, my shoulders are hunched over, I’ve got fat legs, and my arms are all flabby.”
She turns to her husband and says, “Tell me something positive to make me feel better about myself.”
He studies hard for a moment thinking about it and then says in a soft, thoughtful voice, “Well, there’s nothing wrong with your eyesight.”
Services for the husband will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 at the local chapel.
God is on the Move – Join Him
“God is always on the move. He’s always doing something. Sometimes it’s little. Sometimes it’s big. But, He’s always up to something. We can choose to go with Him, go another direction, or not move at all. It is always our choice. The trick is that when we choose not to move, we are actually still moving. Much like a boat on the water, the normal “wind and waves” of life impact us whether we want them to or not. We don’t possess an anchor within ourselves that can prevent that. We all naturally drift aimlessly when we don’t choose to move. God invites us to join Him – His choice. What an honor! Don’t just drift, start your engine now and choose to move!” – Greg Taunt
Persistence is a Habit
“Persistence is a habit, and like any habit you can develop it in yourself with practice and repetition. Every act of persistence and self-discipline strengthens every other act of persistence and self-discipline. Every failure of persistence and self-discipline weakens you in every other area as well. They are all interlinked.” – Brian Tracy